- Untargeted Metabolomics
- Lipidomics
- Targeted Metabolomics
- Functional Metabolomics
- Nanoparticle proteomics
- iTRAQ/TMT-based Proteomics Analysis
- Label free Quantitative Proteomics
- Protein Identification
- DIA proteomics
- Peptidomics
- Parallel Reaction Monitoring (PRM) Targeted Proteome
- Metpro -Ⅱ Protein-Metabolite Interactions
- Phosphoproteomics
- Acetylation Analysis
- Protein Ubiquitination Analysis
Proteins found in nature vary in size from 5 kDa to greater than 400 kDa. Protein digestion presents the process to cut proteins into shorter fragments, known as peptides. It allows for the identification and characterization of proteins according to their properties. Protein digestion is a crucial step prior to mass spectrometry (MS) analysis of peptides for successful protein identification and characterization, biomarker discovery, and systems biology. Although it is possible for MS to study intact proteins, the smaller peptides facilitate protein identification and improve the coverage of proteins that might be reduced due to solubility and heterogeneity. Therefore, the most common proteomic approaches utilize site-specific digestion to generate smaller fragments. Peptides are easier for separation and characterization by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and HLPC-coupled MS.
There are no restrictions on the species identified.
It can not only detect proteins, but also identify different modifications.
Mass spectrometric analysis of pull down and co IP products.
Analysis of purified protein samples (2D) by mass spectrometry.
Mass spectrometric analysis of in gel digestion of protein mixture by SDS-PAGE.