BIOTREE New Product | 600MRM High-throughput Targeted Metabolism Products Released!The 600MRM performs comprehensive qualitative and quantitative analysis of nearly 600 metabolites using a highly sensitive triple quadrupole mass spectrometer2022-04-25
Client's Publication (IF 27.287) | Fudan team helps triple negative breast cancer treatment strategyIn this study, a comprehensive analysis of the transcriptome, metabolome and microbiome data of the FUSCCTNBC cohort (n=360) was carried out, and it was found that TMAO enhanced CD8+ T cell-mediated anti-tumor immunity in TNBC by inducing tumor cell pyroptosis, increasing the Immunotherapy efficacy.2022-04-11
产品速览 | 一张图看全BIOTREE·百趣产品一张图看全BIOTREE·百趣产品2022-05-07
BIOTREE's Perseverance | Let's win this battle against epidemic together!The epidemic in Shanghai is gradually slowing down, logistics blockades and supply chain problems are gradually lifted, and difficult times are passing2022-05-06
学术研讨会 | 百趣生物携手赛默飞共话代谢组学在临床医学的应用上海百趣与赛默飞携手丁香园,邀请多位该领域的优秀专家及大咖,于 4 月 28 日 14:00 展开一场围绕「代谢组学前沿技术在临床医学的应用」学术研讨会。2022-04-25