Home Research Proteomics DIA proteomics 
DIA proteomics 

Data-independent acquisition (DIA) proteomics is a recently-developed global mass spectrometry (MS)-based proteomics strategy. In a DIA method, precursor ions are isolated into pre-defined isolation windows and fragmented; all fragmented ions in each window are then analyzed by a high-resolution mass spectrometer. DIA proteomics analysis is characterized by a broad protein coverage, high reproducibility, and accuracy, and its combination with advances in other techniques such as sample preparation and computational data analysis could lead to further improvements in assay performances. DIA technology has been increasingly utilized in various proteomics studies.


The repeatability is greatly improved:Compared with the DDA mode, the DIA mode has fewer missing values and more complete data records.

Higher quantitative accuracy:The quantitative through the MS/MS peak area signal, which makes the quantitative information more comprehensive and improves the quantitative accuracy.


Disease biomarkers

Molecular mechanism of occurrence and development of diseases

Target of chemical or biological drugs

Action mechanism and signal transduction of chemical or biological drugs

Animal husbandry: improving meat quality and feeding conditions

Agriculture: crop development mechanism

Food Science:improving food safety, taste and nutrition
